
Adapt to Others and Succeed in Your Integration

The key to success in an intercultural environment lies in the ability to understand the strengths or weaknesses of one’s own intercultural skills, rather than simply trying to replicate supposedly “good” attitudes. Especially for candidates for expatriation, we offer the opportunity to discover your true relationship with interculturality without judgment and learn how to live abroad not as you “should” live there, but as you can live there based on your own personality.

Our intercultural coaching offers a realistic and pragmatic approach, not just feel-good sentiments.

Our approach to intercultural coaching aims to foster a deep understanding of oneself, others, and the intercultural environment in which we operate. We emphasize the importance of developing intercultural awareness in order to realize our full potential as individuals who can navigate effectively and harmoniously in multicultural contexts.

Our approach is based on a combination of concepts from anthropology, sociology, and psychology, as well as a variety of recognized tests. We provide personalized support that allows participants to explore their attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors that impact their intercultural relationships.

We help our clients understand their own motivations and develop the necessary skills to live with others, participate in, or effectively lead intercultural teams.

Our Programs

Individual Coaching

Individualized intercultural coaching allows you to address specific aspects of your situation, needs, strengths, and weaknesses in intercultural terms with a professional coach. It consists of 6 sessions of approximately 2 hours each.

Each coaching session or meeting is divided into three parts:

    1. Addressing questions from the previous session,
    2. Presentation, discussion, exchange, and brainstorming on the focus and tools proposed for the session,
    3. Person-centered coaching: how to apply the elements discussed in the session to oneself and one’s own context.
      • Session 1: Analysis of professional background and personal project.
        • Life experiences and choices made,
        • Deepening the request and defining areas of work,
        • Presentation of cultural dimensions according to Geert Hofstede,
        • Administration of our cultural dimensions test based on G. Hofstede.
      • Session 2: Utilizing the test and exploring cultural preferences.
        • Hierarchical distance and relationship to power, authority, and hierarchy,
        • Group relations and personal performance, individualism, collectivism,
        • Masculinity and leadership, preference for competition or cooperation,
        • Avoidance of uncertainty and attitude towards change and ambiguity,
        • Long-term orientation and traditionalism vs. openness to the future.
      • Session 3: In-depth exploration and broadening of the concept of culture
        • High and low levels of culture, levels of culture according to Schein and cultural layers according to Hofstede,
        • Application to cultural environments relevant to the coachee and/or international comparisons,
        • Introduction to the Big Five personality test,
        • Administration and validation of the Big Five personality test between sessions.
      • Session 4: Validation and utilization of the Big Five personality test.
          • Openness to experience: relation to foreign cultures, beliefs,
          • Conscientiousness: cultural and emotional biases,
          • Extraversion: intercultural communication, active listening,
          • Agreeableness: levels and zones of tolerance, cooperation,
          • Neuroticism: emotion management, resilience, adaptation strategies.
      • Session 5: Introduction to Jung’s theory of psychological preferences
        • Administration and validation of the psychological preferences test based on Jung’s theory during the session.
        • Utilizing the test and exploring the type:
          • Extraversion/Introversion: communication styles and social interactions,
          • Sensing/Intuition: understanding explicit and underlying communication issues,
          • Thinking/Feeling: empathy and sympathy, acceptance and respect for values, conflict management,
          • Judging/Perceiving: time management and organization.
      • Session 6:
        • The Map, Bridge, and Integration approach,
        • Best Practices,
        • Self-knowledge and self-awareness,
        • Establishing your action plan,
        • The virtuous circle.

Price: $1440

Online Coaching

2 months, 12 hours of video coaching, and 1 hour of individual coaching for free.

This program allows you to make progress in full autonomy and at your own pace. We will send you an email every week for 6 weeks, including a 2-hour lesson, the tools to work on, suggested exercises, tests, access to question-and-answer sessions, and individual coaching.

The course offers you the entire individual coaching program (see details above) and guides you step by step in defining or redefining your ideal career using tools adapted to the format of this training.

You will also benefit from four crucial tools to better understand yourself and accelerate your success:

    • The only scientifically validated personality test: the Big Five
    • Our psychological preferences test inspired by Karl Jung’s theory
    • A work interest test: the TRICAM
    • A cultural preferences test, inspired by the work of Geert Hofstede

You can also send your questions and access question-and-answer sessions throughout the four months of your subscription.

Finally, to boost your job search, we are pleased to offer you one hour of coaching, which can be used in a single session or split into two 30-minute sessions.

Price: $290