Reimbursement policy

The stipulations herein encapsulated under the reimbursement policy delineate the binding modalities pertinent to the pecuniary transactions executed via direct acquisitions on this digital interface. In circumstances where a contractual engagement has been consummated between the purchaser and Mankesav Consulting APAC Ltd. through intermediary involvement of any of our designated personnel, divergent stipulations might manifest, whereupon the conditions explicitly articulated within such contractual documentation shall assume precedence. Preliminary Reminder. Prior to the initiation of any procurement on this platform, it is incumbent upon you to have thoroughly perused the “Terms and Conditions” alongside this “Reimbursement Policy” document. In instances of disputation, our interpretation of our regulatory framework shall prevail. Should ambiguity concerning the interpretation of any terminologies or phrases arise, it is your obligation to engage with us via the communication conduit delineated here: Decision on Reimbursement. The discretion to enact either a partial or a total reimbursement resides solely with Mankesav Consulting APAC LtdReimbursement Policy Specifics. In events where Mankesav Consulting APAC Ltd. elects to initiate a reimbursement, deductions applicable to the refundable amount will be contingent upon the services already rendered and/or availed by you, as per the scale stipulated within the Terms and Conditions section. Contestation, Disputes. Any disagreements pertaining to reimbursements are to be adjudicated in accordance with the terms set forth in the Terms and Conditions page.